
Reason of studying English again [study English]

I had been studied English about 10 years at school,but I don't speak English very well.In particular, my pronunciation and listening are bad.Though I have tried to study English by myself several times before,I have always fallen by the wayside.But I couldn't say what I wanted to say well in English and I have had bad communications several times when I had to talk to native speakers several times at work before.Though they would talk in English with me friendlly,why I would have with trouble communicating because I couldn't speak English very well regardless of studying English for about 10 years.I'm disappointed with my inability with English.

For instance,putting stickers on paper 100 sheet over,native speaker told me;"May I help you?".I concidered what I had better say in English;"konna huuni seal wo hatte itadakemasenka?"But I didn't know "haru" and "seal" means in English.After all,I didn't speak nothing.
I was very sad and was mortifying.Now if I didn't know words of "put" and "stickers",I might pantomime and speak like this;"Could you do like this?"I had arrogant attitude for her kindness and really was sorry.It was shameful.Then,I had an acute feeling that there were limitations to pantomime only for have good communications with various foreign people.

After all this,I realized that I needed to speak English or aother languages besides Japanese to have good communication with various foreign people,and,so,I began to study English again.

*If you read it in Hiragana and Kanji,please click here.

タグ:English study reason

2009-03-04 13:28  nice!(0)  コメント(0)  トラックバック(0) 

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