
Different of oven temperature between America and Japan [cooking]

I make muffin with cake mix tolerably when it's a pain to wash rice.I made muffin recently because my sister gave me banana nuts cake mix she bought when she went to California.Of couse,how to make muffin written it is English.Put caken mix into egg and mix,put it into cup.I try to bake oven and notice that it is different to oven temperature to set up baking muffin between America and Japan.I don't look up internet about oven temperature and set up in 200 degree that I always set up to bake muffin and baked it for 15 minutes.I noticed very savory muffin.I can bake muffin well and it was very nice.I try to bake muffin after looking up difference of oven temperature between America and Japan by internet when I use cake mix of America.080809_133701

<===This is muffin I made on this time.Is this seem to be nice?:P

*If you read it in Hiragana and Kanji,please click here.

P.S If you check when you want to know about different to oven temperature to set between America and Japan,you can be easy to it.But the site is Japanese only.m(___)m


2009-03-04 13:26  nice!(0)  コメント(0)  トラックバック(0) 

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