
Oh my God! [study English]

I had to do English homework by a reason.So,I tried to do English homework yestarday and did it.I thought it's easy to do it because it was content of English1(English 1 is easy.But English 5 is difficult).English1 is maybe junior high school revel.It included long article,writing letter.But!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I couldn't reslove it's program very well.It's difficult for me.Particularly it's very difficult for me to reslove fill-in-the-blank question of long article because I weak capacity for reading of English long article.How deadliness is it!!!I don't understand well which English word include there.I looked up dictionary about words I don't know,I don't understand what the author wants to say.After all,I realized that I needed to restart to study English grammer.First of all,I will reslove progble of long article that I can understand.

Img_cache_dc_150884_1_1224582361_jp<====This is fill-in-the-blank question of long article that I was very difficult to resolve.Is it correct the answer!?

*If you read it in Hiragana and Kanji,please click here.

Translating in Japanese what I want to write,it's as follows.
Toaru riyuu de Eigo no shukudai wo suruhameninari, shukudai wo sinakerebaikenakunarimashita.Dakara,kinou shukuda wo siyou to kokoromi,yatte mimashita."Eigo1"dakara kantandarou to omotteimasita.("Eigo1"ha kantan na reberu de ,"Eigo5"ha muzukasii reberu desu)Tabun,"Eigo1" ha tyugaku 1nensei reberu dattta hazudesu.Sika------------------shi!!!!!!Mondaiga zenzen tokenakattandesu.(T-T) Tokuni tyoubun no anaume mondai ga tottemo muzukashii.Eigo no tyoubun dokkai ryoku ga toboshiikara.Nantomo timeiteki nandarou!Dono eitango wo irereba iinoka sappari wakarimasen.Jibun no wakaranai tango wo jisho de sirabetemo sakusha ga iitai koto ga wakannaindesu.Yappari,Eigono bunnpou wo bennkyo shinaosu hituyougaaru to tuukanshimashita.Toriaezu,wakaru tyoubun mondai demo tokokkana?

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2009-03-04 13:38  nice!(0)  コメント(0)  トラックバック(0) 

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